Multiphysics Modeling for Tumor Response to CHR Treatment

The goal is to develop a novel mathematical model and computer simulation environment to realistically predict the behavior of recurrent tumors undergoing combined-hyperthermia-radiotherapy (CHR) treatment. This type of treatment uses both heat and radiation to treat different types of cancer. For instance, when a tumor is heated, the effects of radiation on tumor tissue are enhanced. This creates a type of feedback, in which differences in temperature and heating time improve the performance of the radiotherapy. Current tools do not incorporate such feedback effect into their model and are therefore less realistic. We aim to couple three interdependent models: (i) the first model represents how heat affects tumor temperature and its properties with respect to radiation; (ii) the second model estimates the amount of radiation energy deposited in the tumor according to its temperature; (iii) the third model addresses the tumor's combined response to both heating and exposure to ionizing radiation. 


[P31] One-way coupled tumor response model for combined-hyperthermia-radiotherapy treatment with anisotropic scattering

Japan K. Patel, John J. Kuczek, Richard Vasques

Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, vol. 121(1), 2019, pp. 65-68

[P30] One-way coupled benchmark for combined-hyperthermia- radiotherapy treatment in slab geometry

Barry D. Ganapol, Japan K. Patel, Richard Vasques

Proceedings of 26th ICTT: International Conference on Transport Theory, Paris, France, 2019 Sep

[P25] Towards a multiphysics model for tumor response to combined-hyperthermia-radiotherapy treatment

Japan K. Patel, Richard Vasques, Barry D. Ganapol

Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering, Portland, OR, 2019 Aug


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