Particle Transport Acceleration with ‘Consistent’ Eddington Factors
We have generalized the Quasidiffusion (QD) method to consistently accelerate the iterative convergence of SN particle transport problems. The standard QD method is not consistent, since its solution differs by truncation errors from the SN solution.
Neural Networks for Unfolding Neutron Energy Spectra
We investigate a new detection system, the passive neutron spectrometer, for use primarily in the event of a criticality accident. We develop our own in-house neural network technique for unfolding neutron energy spectra from these detector responses.
Nonclassical Particle Transport
Mathematical and computational modeling of particle transport in systems where the Beer-Lambert law fails to hold and nonexponential attenuation takes place. Applications in atmospheric clouds, reactor physics, medical imaging, and computer graphics.
Nyström Method Applied to 2-D Transport Problems
Integral methods do not require discretization of angular variables. Instead, angular variables are completely eliminated by an integration procedure over the solid angle, which allows elimination of the ray effect.
Fokker-Planck Acceleration for Forward-Peaked Problems
Accelerating the convergence of the solution of transport problems with highly forward-peaked scattering using a modified Fokker-Planck equation.
A linear-programming approach to optimize configurations for source distributions
A methodology to generate optimal configurations for the neutron source distribution. These are modeled as linear programming optimization problems (LPOP).
Modeling of particle transport taking place in random media, using approaches such as the Levermore-Pomraning equations and the Atomic Mix Model. Applications include astrophysics, nuclear medicine, reactor physics, and atmospheric sciences.
Multiphysics Modeling for Tumor Response to CHR Treatment
Novel mathematical model and computer simulation environment to realistically predict the behavior of recurrent tumors undergoing combined-hyperthermia-radiotherapy (CHR) treatment.
Stochastic Neutron Point Kinetics
Studying the influence of stochastic fluctuations upon the results of the neutron point kinetics equations and finding an approach to obtain a nonstiff solution for the stochastic neutron point kinetics equations.
Compact Neutron Imaging System for Nondestructive Nuclear Waste Analysis
The goal of this project - undertaken in cooperation by RWTH Aachen University, Forschungszentrum Jülich, and SIEMENS AG - was to study the feasibility of a compact neutron imaging system for radioactive waste inspection.
Numerical Solvers using Laplace Transforms
This project focused on the implementation and improvement of numerical solvers for the transport equation using Laplace transforms. Approaches included the LTSn and LTAn methods.